Sunday, July 15, 2012

My best.

Ari ni aku kecewa bila slama ni aku ingat dia layan aku mcm shit.

Aku ingt aku nak buat keje bangang sampai x tego langsung awek sendiri.

Ttba aku rasa mcm pantat bila aku cuba untuk majukan diri sendiri. Jaga hubungan ngan member selama ni.buat yg terbaek untuk diri kene duga macam ni.orang laen senang2 letak dengki, dugaan, musibah kat atas kepala hotak aku.

Down.xda mood nak kerja esok.fuck up.

Terima kasih sebab campak tahi kat muka aku.

Percaya lah. Sesiapa membe korang perangai macam pantat waktu muda ni, bila tua esok, perangai pantat tu tak kan hilang.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Underneath this unstable soul.

Have you guys ever had a moment where you just dont realise that youve lost your mom's trust? Suddenly when u dah realise, there is no way jose to get that trust back.

Sampai buntu n effortless untuk buat apa2..x berani lawan..sbb korang tau dia mak..n skali naek suara..x bau syurga jadinya..

Yes aku pernah.

Well.of course im not gonna tell u the whole thing.but.skang ni aku rasa.aku just nak luah kn shj.

Aku admit.aku bkn anak yg baik.sbb aku da kecewa kn mak aku bnyk kali.
Aku derhaka dgn mak aku bnyk kali.
Aku lawan ckp mak aku bnyk kali.

Tp satu ja.aku tau yg once aku marah.aku susah utk lepas kn marah aku kat org.aku slalu back off.bkn sbb nak lari dr sblm korang tgk aku jadi org gila.sblm kaki tangan aku naik, baek aku blah dulu.lantak la org tu masih lg marah ke, lagi tambah bengang bila aku blah ke. Aku rasa lagi a bagus cmtu dr aku tnjuk mara aku kat org. So jgn pernah buat palat dgn aku. Aku x suka gaduh.

Ada bnda yg kta blh share kat sini.ada bnda yg kta x blh share.

Ada sebab sume ni bila aku xplain.nnti org ckp aku hny ada alasan.slalu sgt bagi alasan.

So.kali ni aku akan senyap.sbb aku x sggup nk bgtau.dont ever ask me why.

Dont you dare...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Moment of me.

Aku perasan yg aku ada masa 'menyendiri' aku sendiri.

seldomly occures.hard to describe though.these feelings.cos it comes and go before i realize it.well by time i just dont wanna people know how i really experience every bit of it.better to be that way.

Masuk dunia sendiri sekejap.maen dengan pandangan dunia yang di luar.apa salahnya?

Listening to a song.

Makan maggie kering.dah sejuk.apa kisah.

Staring to the ceiling.wonder why the lamp was not installed straight.


Aku suka mcm ni.dont you? :-)

Good night.

ps: mira.balik cepat.

Friday, July 6, 2012

T shirt project

Padi akan stat minggu not gonna let this oppurtunity gone by mcm tu ja.

padi : is an annual architectural workshop.gathering all of architecture student from every high educational school in malaysia to celebrate malaysian architecture spirit..chewah.

Moreover,each university will take turns in handling the event anually. Macam tahun 2009 uitm shah alam,2010 ukm,  2011 utm skudai and this year will be handle by upm.

There will be many competitions held throughout the event. One of em are of course, video competition.and now, my group are busy editing and finishing the shortfilm.i just hope we can submit it before 11 am today!!..


Aku akan bukak booth kat event ni. Finally,Im selling my design.wuuuu..nerveous!!!!!wish me luck guys...hope everything will be running just fine..aminnn..(seriously,aku cuak skang ni)

Ada masa nnti ill post my design.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Keep passing the craps.

(Apa yg aku bayangkan dgn 'keep passing the craps' is mcm maen badminton.hit the 'craps', go to the other side, the other guy hit back  and the process keep on going. The difference is, there is no referee to end the game).

Thats what it is today.malaysian's political state.

I dont give a shit to whom will be running our country later -by saying after the election, for another four years more, or a dosenz of years to come. Cos sooner or later, he/she will definitely let me down (perhaps us).

Dont talk about 'perjuangan anak bangsa' or 'harta budi bahasa nenek moyang' cos its too minor and deteriorating.just admit it. Bangsa siapa yang berpusu2 ke club tiap2 minggu utk mabok?bangsa siapa yg habes kan duit ptptn beli dadah dgn ganja?

Hence,if you ask me what world are we living now? I'll say, it is the world for survivors.

And if you ask me again, ill say, i dont want to know.
